häwa customers buy standard. Everybody has got their own individual one
Our customers have special requirements on cabinet systems and housing solutions. Sometimes they are greater, sometimes smaller – but certainly they are always different. At häwa, these individual requirements are at the core of each consultation. We are deeply convinced that focussing on your requirements is the only way to find the best solution for your application purpose.
At häwa, we base all our customer specific solutions on our thousand times tried-and-tested standard products. Building on these, we find together with you and the experience from numerous projects the perfect solution for your requirements: from a simple adaption for a better space utilisation or optimised ventilation for your technical application up to a complete customer specific development. From different dimensions up to individual material requests. The result of this process is usually not an uneconomic one-off production, but your personal häwa customer standard.
And to make sure that with this high degree of flexibility no information or details may be lost along the way from the idea to the finished product, you have your designated contact person during the entire process: your personal häwa advisor.
Ideal cabinet and housing solutions are not created on the production line – but in the dialogue with you. Are you ready?
Then contact your personal häwa advisor today to discuss your individual requirements.