Drilling template for 180° hinges H3X0/H3X5


Drilling template for 180° hinges H3X0/H3X5

Product description

Drilling template for inserting the required hinge holes according to installation instructions 3080-7220-02-77-01

Technical data

  • Article number: 3080-7218-00-01
  • PRODUKTGRUPPENNAMEEBENE4: Universal accessories / Accessories control cabinets inside
  • Surface: Galvanized
  • Material: Sheet steel
  • Sheet thickness: 2.5 mm
Drilling template for 180° hinges H3X0/H3X5
Drilling template for 180° hinges H3X0/H3X5
Drilling template for inserting the required hinge holes according to installation instructions 3080-7220-02-77-01

Art No.

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